

Upgrade Your Skincare Formulations with Sensory Powder!


Upgrade Your Skincare Formulations with Sensory Powder!

By Ko, Eunyoung
August 2024, NO.34

Hi, how are you?

In this newsletter, we are excited to introduce the benefits of using Sensory Powder in your skincare formulations.

First, the Soft Focus effect: By incorporating Sensory Powder into your formulations, you can scatter light to blur wrinkles and skin imperfections. This gives the skin an instantly smoother and more even appearance.

Second, improved sensory experience: The spherical beads enhance the spreadability and texture of your formulation, providing a silky rolling sensation.

Third, reduction of oiliness: Using porous Sensory Powder that absorbs oil, you can reduce stickiness and make fresh, matte formulations.

Fourth, fast absorption: While the rapid absorption is visually apparent, it’s actually due to the evaporation of volatile components in the formulation. However, the use of porous, lipophilic Sensory Powder enhances this effect, making it look like the product is absorbed quickly.

To see absorption tests and product selection guides for each product, please check the YouTube clip below!

Fifth, selective sebum absorption: By using porous, lipophilic Sensory Powder that selectively absorbs oil, you can create formulations that maintain moisture while delivering a fresh feel.

If you would like to learn more about the key ingredients for selective sebum absorption, please watch the YouTube clip below!

If you are interested in learning more about Sunjin Beauty Science’s range of Sensory Powder products, please feel free to contact us.

Areum Jeong / Regional Sales Manager
E-mail : sales1@sunjinbs.com