Sunjin provides Hectorite series (rheology modifier) that help stabilize emulsions by forming a house of cards network structure in a formulation.

The figure shown above is a microscope image of a skin care formulation stabilized by Hectorite. Hectorite plates form a house of cards-like network structure in the formulation which alters rheology and stabilizes the formulation.
Sunjin developed Hectorite surface modification technology (HECTORITE+DDAC) for the second time in the world and is providing this technology in a gel form (HECTOGEL series). Sunjin further explored and developed silicone-free Hectorite based water releasing W/O emulsifier (ECODROPGEL) and MLB series.

ECODROPGEL is a PEG-free, PPG-free and silicone-free water drop system for highly moisturizing effect for W/O emulsion.

MLB is a W/O emulsifier system that is silicone-free, PEG-free and PPG-free for CLEAN BEAUTY. MLB uses Sunjin’s 2 dimensional Hectorite technology to produce a range of product forms from low viscosity W/O lotions and milks to W/O stick formulations while maintaining the moisturizing effect.