I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
- Invictus, William Ernest Henley
This phrase delivers Sunjin’s mission and core value. This is also the belief of Chairman, Byungcheol LEE, the founder of Sunjin. The following is the mission statement of Sunjin that he organized in 1978, 40 years ago.

Core Values

Sunjin pursues three core values.
• thinking ahead(先見): One must be able to read the trends before the others.
• Proactive(先行): One must act on what they have foreseen.
• Equal Share(先均): The profits gained from the above activities must be equally shared among all the members.
A case that showed Sunjin’s values in ‘thinking ahead’ and ‘proactivity’ would be our new Janghang plant. Sunjin invested 50 million dollars, which exceeded our annual sales, and established the Janghang plant to meet GMP guidelines. Finally, we successfully passed the FDA inspection for the first time in Korea as a cosmetic raw material company.
Although the equal share is a rare case when it comes to a small business, Sunjin provides various welfare and benefits to employees. In addition, as of 2020, about 18% of our stock share is owned by the employees so that their contribution to the growth of the company will be equally shared.