

Silica from Mother Nature


Silica from Mother Nature

By Jeong, Areum
Translated By Ko, Eunyoung
June 2023, NO.22

Hi, How are you?

In this issue, I will explain about silica, which is derived from mother nature and is gaining recognition as an environmentally friendly and sustainable ingredient.

Sunjin Beauty Science’s silica, the SUNSIL series, is manufactured using raw materials sourced from the Cape Flattery Silica Mine, located near the eastern coast of Australia.

The Cape Flattery Mine Site has a significant untapped resources of silica sand, estimated to last for the next 100 years. Therefore, it is focused on sustainable resource development, with a priority given to the surrounding natural environment.

Efforts to achieve this include rehabilitating the topsoil at the site by restoring vegetation. After silica sand extraction, natural plant seeds are sown to restore the site to its greenery with trees and vegetation, over a period of 3 to 4 years.

Sunjin Beauty Science also fully supports this effort and promise to use the sustainable silica sand.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

Areum Jeong / Regional Sales Manager
E-mail : sales1@sunjinbs.com