

Sunjin Beauty Science Obtained Indonesia Halal Certification!


Sunjin Beauty Science Obtained Indonesia Halal Certification!

By Kim, Yongsung
Translated By Ko, Eunyoung
May 2024, NO.21

Hi, How are you?

In this issue, we are pleased to introduce the “Indonesia MUI Halal Certification that Sunjin obtained in April.

Halal products are products produced from halal materials in facilities that are not cross-contaminated or associated with Haram materials.

Halal: Sanctioned under Islamic Shaira law
Haram: Forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law

Indonesian Halal certification is one of the world’s top three Halal certifications. According to the Halal Product Assurance Law No. 33 of 2014 and the Implementing Regulation No. 31 of 2019, certification becomes mandatory from October 17, 2024.

The Halal certification obligation law applies to all products handled, distributed, and sold within Indonesia, excluding products that cannot obtain Halal certification.

Starting in October 2024, it will initially apply to food and beverage products, and in 2026, it will extend to cosmetics and consumer goods, and by 2029, it will also include pharmaceuticals.

Additionally, it applies to all functional products that are worn, used, and utilized.

 A total of 185 products have been assessed and received an A grade for their technical, scientific, and religious aspects. Consequently, we obtained the certification from the Indonesian government’s Halal Certification Authority (BPJPH) and the Halal Confirmation Certificate from the MUI Fatwa Committee.

 Therefore, by using Sunjin’s ingredients certified by the Indonesian Halal certification, the process of assessing the halal suitability of each ingredient for certification can be more smoothly conducted.

  According to Sunjin’s internal halal policy, we are committed to providing halal-certified ingredients for all products, except those that cannot obtain halal certification, thereby ensuring customer satisfaction and value.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us.

Areum Jeong / Regional Sales Manager
E-mail : sales1@sunjinbs.com