

Please Check Out the New Natural Pigment Product-TINA series- at the First Webinar in 2023!


Please Check Out the New Natural Pigment Product-TINA series- at the First Webinar in 2023!

By Jeong, Areum
Translated By Lee, James
December 2022, NO.50

Hi, how are you?

 We are introducing TINA series, which is a new natural pigment product with high dispersibility at the first webinar in January.

The webinars will be held in 3 languages, in 5 different time zones as below schedule.

 TINA series has a strength that it is a clean beauty concept natural coated pigment with equivalent dispersibility to the Alkyl Silane coated pigment which is used to be incorporated.

 For more details, please attend the first webinar in January!

 You can join the webinar after register through the link below.

 If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

Areum Jeong / Regional Sales Manager
E-mail : sales1@sunjinbs.com